Hello to all and Happy Full Moon!. I always try to do a post about the moon because well..it's rather important to me. As I've said before the Celtic Lunar Calendar is a guideline for constructing your year..and marks certain days and keeps you on track and thinking about your life and times..so to speak. Today is the Full Holly Moon. Meaning right now we are in the Celtic Holly Tree Month. Each tree month has certain aspects and teachings that help guide us. The Holly Moon is associated with calming your emotions... relax..enjoy life. Also it is a time for developing your intuition and personal gifts. It's known as the " Moon of Enrichment". Learn all you can this month..gain knowledge.. Become....The Holly is also known for helping you to accept yourself for who you are, and to be comfortable in your own skin. The Holly Month falls within the time of the First Harvest, which is Lammas, and is celebrated on August 1. This time of year we are in the midst of Harvesting our fresh fruits and vegetables. The Tomatoes are starting to ripen, and the zucchini and squash are coming on like crazy. The harvest is at full bounty. I myself am winding down my first garden, and starting to think about putting in my second garden which will come in around the time of the 2nd Harvest festival of Mabon. The Holly is also a time of protection and renewal and Holly Moon water...aka Holy Water was made by the people of old by setting out water on the full Holly Moon night and letting the moon work its enchanting magic.. I should probably make some tonite..Also I read that many people would make bread out of some of their harvest, my friend has already taken care of that she has made like 20 loaves of zucchini bread. Maybe we will eat some tonite. Bless Be
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