Welcome March Moon..."The Ash"
The ash has always been revered as a magical tree. In Scandinavian countries the universe was believed to be composed of a giant ash called the Yggdrasil, and runes were traditionally made from ash wood. In Greece ash trees were sacred to Poseidon, the god of the sea and the wood was used to carve charms that protected against drowning.Walking Meditation
Practicing this technique during the Ash Moon will free your mind from stress and attract solutions to your problems. You will need a smudge stick, a bunch of herbs – usually white sage – that is used to “smudge,” or cleanse, and area with smoke.1. Light a smudge stick, then take time to relax and breathe deeply.
2. Direct the smoke around your body, taking time to cleanse your aura, and say: “Spirit, I walk this journey and invite you to join me. May each step be sacred.”
3. Take a walk through nature. Everything on your journey has a message for you, so relax and enjoy.
4. On your return, write down any animals you encountered and unusual sights or flashes of inspiration you received.
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