Give it a shot Mom..
Here are some facts about the herb:
1. Chamomile serves as a nerve tonic and stress buster. A daily cup of tea infused with chamomile leaves helps sooth tense nerves and anxiety.
Here’s how these powerful little seeds reduce gastrointestinal problems and flatulence, a few potential precautions to be aware of and two ways to use fennel seeds to help prevent or treat intestinal cramps, bloating and embarrassing gas.
How Fennel Seeds Help Digestive Problems
In India, dried fennel seeds are incredibly popular as an aid to digestion and have been used for this purpose for thousands of years. A small amount of the seeds are routinely chewed after a meal, both to freshen the breath and to stimulate digestion.Modern scientific studies on the properties of fennel seeds are showing that their rich volatile oil content is primarily responsible for these digestive benefits and ability to clear intestinal gas so effectively. Compounds like anethole, fenchone and estragole appear to have anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that relax contracted intestinal muscles and allow trapped gas to dissipate.
The volatile oils in fennel seeds are also believed to stimulate bile for better digestion, thus preventing these problems from happening in the first place. A great tasting fennel tea, or chewing half a teaspoon of the fresh seeds is a simple way to prevent or treat many digestive problems like gas, bloating and cramps.
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