Yes indeed winter is finally here. Yesterday we had our first snow...maybe accumulating 1 inch. Yet we all acted like OMG what are we going to do??? People stormed the grocery stores Sunday night, and schools operated on a 2 hour delay??? Really??? Ok that's just us not being really prepared for winter in Southern Indiana... smile..wink. I mean you'd think we'd have a different attitude, we do get snow each and every year, sometimes up to 20 inches... No were not Minnesota or anything, but it's not like were in shock when it happens.. Last winter season it seemed to be never ending.. However this year, we haven't even had winter until well... yesterday. Christmas came and went boasting 60 degree temperatures...I mean I still had a petunia on the porch that was seemingly still alive and growing...Some people even said their trees were trying to bud, and my sister was out on December 18th cutting grass in her Capri pants...Hmmm go figure... So maybe its that we've been spoiled, and this simple dusting of snow has dashed all our hopes and dreams, of a mild...I mean very mild winter... Yep the worst is yet to come...All we can hope for is that wonderful promise of spring...In April sometimes.....Bless Be
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