Wow!! I've been really slacking I haven't posted all week. Mostly because I've been busy with work and other things. I've been thinking about getting back into shooting my bow. My almost niece...lets say is getting a new compound bow for Christmas and I'd like to practice with her...My sister has my bow...hopefully I'll get it back soon...smile.. I took a hunters education class a few years ago and the teacher discussed Eye Dominance...and how that is important!!!! He showed us a little test in order to tell weather or not you are right or left eye dominant. Your eye dominance should theoretically be the same as your hand dominance. Meaning if you are right handed typically you are right dominant... Oh yahhh.. here comes my Ambidextrous disaster into play... I've come to realize I'm Cross Dominant..meaning I'm left eye dominant..but right handed. When this happens, it makes it harder for the shooter to be accurate....blahhh. But there are options..since I don't want to use a left handed bow....it feels uncomfortable. I'm going to have to close my left eye...so I may get a patch...Hopefully this will help.. No wonder I was always off to the left with my shots...now I know. LOL
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