The Reed Moon was Thursday!! I know I'm a tad bit late on the Monthly Moon tree report...But better late than never..smile. The Reed Moon is actually the first Moon of the Celtic new year. Now you would think that this moon is all about new beginnings...but it is not. That honor is reserved for the Birch Moon which is actually in January and coincides nicely with our standard New Year calendar..... Nice how it all fits! The Reed Moon is all about Divination, Scrying, messages from past loved ones, contact with the other side, developing your gifts, and last but not least uncovering memories of your past lives.... Hmmm a very Witchy Moon and time of year.. Yes, the veil between the world is still very thin, which makes The Reed Moon a perfect time to delve into such workings... We will soon move onto Elder where we put aside the hurt, and wrongs done to us from the past year, and we release that baggage...moving forward to the new beginnings of the Birch. Bless Be!
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