I must have really been slacking...its been like 4 days since my last post...I've been a busy little bee.. And alas today I'm in need of some venting...Yep...I sure do.. About what?? I'm so tired of always worrying about what other people think...as evident by my last post. I dwell. I worry, and I dwell some more. Will I ever get to a place where I don't care about what other people think? Why does their opinion matter so much...I mean I sit around worrying about all these possible "What If" scenarios that most likely will never happen anyway. Yet I'm already worried about it and it hasn't even happened yet.. Why??? Where does this madness come from? Is it a hidden fear people will discover I'm less than perfect?? Maybe...UGHHHH What's wrong with me? Why do I care? Don't worry about stuff till it's smacking you in the face....then worry. Think about it tomorrow or the next day. Don't let worries of the future tarnish the today's of your life... Why can't I come to terms with my own advice...GEEESSSS

On another note I really want another job, something different, new.. I have a dilemma...as I've mentioned before??? Can I really quit my job where I make about 100 dollars a day to work forty hours a week and make less money, and work more hours... I've come to the conclusion If I quit my job, in order for it to be an improvement I'd have to make like 15$ a hour maybe 20$ even.... That would be a come up...wink. SOOOOO what do I do?? Stay in a place that drives me crazy...I could complain and complain about my current job, I run my butt off....do the jobs of 4 people...But...that being said I walk away with 100-150 bucks when most people have to work 2 or 3 days even to make that at 8 bucks a hour... Okkkk So that's the trade off I've been settling for??? I'm just not happy anymore, I want a change??? I want to do more with my life than BE A WAITRESS!!!
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