For my dad....
3 Simple Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus
Nail fungus; be it on your toenails or your fingernails is an unpleasant business to have to deal with. Officially known as onychomcosis, it is most often caused by moisture trapped in a warm dark place (because of shoes, this is why it more commonly effects toenails) which is the environment fungus thrives in. In some cases it can be caused by mold, or yeast, but it’s still collectively called nail fungus-nail mold or nail yeast just doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.
What Does It Look Like?
Generally a nail fungal infection will start off as a white or yellow spot on the tip of the nail. As it begins to develop, the nail may become thickened, brittle/crumbly/ragged, change shape, become darker in color, or get dull. If the nail starts to separate from the nail bed, it is called onycholysis, which can be quite uncomfortable. Without treatment, toenail fungus can go on indefinitely. Even with treatment, it can occur on and off.
1. Tea Tree/Orange Oil Rub
Tea tree oil is a natural disinfectant, possessing fungicidal and anti-bacterial properties that make it popular in treating toenail fungus. Orange oil has also shown promising results when it comes to getting rid of fungus, and can be added to the mixture as well. Always remember to dilute the essential oil before applying to the nail.
You will need…
-1 teaspoon of tea tree oil
-1/2 teaspoon of orange oil (optional)
-1/2 teaspoon of grapeseed or olive oil
-Cotton balls
-1/2 teaspoon of orange oil (optional)
-1/2 teaspoon of grapeseed or olive oil
-Cotton balls
Baking Soda
Baking soda is a readily available staple in most kitchens that can also be used to cure toenail fungus. It will also help neutralize foot odor.
- Add one-half cup of baking soda, one-fourth cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and one-half cup of Epsom salt to four cups of hot water. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, and then add one-fourth cup of white vinegar to it.
- Soak the affected toenail in this solution for about 10 minutes.
- Wash with clean water and dry your foot thoroughly.
- Repeat the process twice daily for several weeks.
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