Well today is a better day...breath! But those bad squirrels...I love you little guys..but enough is enough.. What's the net have to say...If all else fails Shoot em...ughhh notttt!! Ok so what to do?? The squirrels are wreaking havoc on my garden...there favorite target my green tennis ball size tomatoes.. UGHHHHHHHHHHH...I shriek in anger, disappointment, and frustration?? I've never had so much trouble with the wildlife. Between the squirrels and the rabbits...there isn't going to be a whole lot left?? What to do? The net has a few suggestions the one I like best is the pepper tea idea, used to spray the veggies.....Although just sprinkling cayenne pepper didn't seem to deter the rabbits.So I'll have to keep you posted as to weather or not the pepper spray actually works???
After considerable research, here's what I learned about keeping squirrels and other rodents away from your prized produce:Pester them back. You may be able to annoy the pests away with sprinkler systems, sensitive motion lights, high-frequency sound emitters or a variety of scent-based repellants, like garlic, hot peppers, or animal urine. Stake out your garden for a while to see what kind of animals are doing the damage, and search the Internet for tips on repelling your specific unwelcome visitor.Bring in a predator. Dogs and cats can make great rodent deterrents, and some dogs, like the Rat Terrier, are bred for the purpose of hunting small animals. If getting a pet isn't an option, consider putting up barn owl houses.Fence them out. Wire fencing can be an effective way to block pests. Be sure to bury the wire to keep out those persistent diggers, and consider electric fencing as extra deterrent. Using raised garden beds can make it easier to block critters with fencing under and above the bed.Play nice. You may be able to entice your small thieves to another area of the yard by providing them with a better option. Turns out squirrels don't really like tomatoes, which is why they kept taking a nibble and then ditching them in our yard. We put up a feeder with sunflower seeds on the opposite side of the yard, and it seemed to do the trick. - See more at: http://www.hgtvgardens.com/garden-basics/how-to-keep-squirrels-away-from-your-garden#sthash.l0RFj9sn.dpuf
Hot Pepper Spray
Spraying the leaves and stems of hibiscus with pepper spray is one the most effective ways to keep squirrels from eating the plant. The strong scent and taste of hot pepper is unappealing to these pesky critters, so they won't be tempted to take a bite out of your plants. You can make homemade pepper spray by combining 1 gallon of water, 1 teaspoon of dish washing liquid and a small bottle of hot pepper sauce and putting in a plastic spray bottle. Commercial pepper sprays are also available specifically for keeping squirrels away from plants and gardens. If you don't want to actually spray your hibiscus plants, sprinkle cayenne pepper flakes or powder in the soil around the plants to keep squirrels away.
Squirrels are also turned off by the strong scent of mothballs, so they work well to keep the pests from eating your plants. Some commercial squirrel repellents use naphthalene, the active ingredient in mothballs, to drive away the critters. If you already have mothballs on hand, you can just sprinkle a handful around your hibiscus beds. You'll have to replace the mothballs after several weeks, because they naturally lose their scent over time and the elements usually hasten that process.
Coffee Grounds
While you might find the scent of coffee delicious, squirrels don't. A light layer of coffee grounds around hibiscus plants can keep them from being the pests' next meal. Just sprinkle some fresh grounds on the soil surrounding the plants to keep squirrels away. Every two weeks, add a new layer of grounds. You may need to refresh the grounds more often if it has rained a lot.
Blood Meal
It may not be the most pleasant option, but blood meal can also keep your hibiscus plants safe from squirrels. A natural fertilizer, bone meal is a powder waste product from slaughterhouses. It is high in nitrogen and ammonia, and has a strong bloodlike scent that scares off squirrels. You can purchase blood meal from a nursery or garden supply store, and sprinkle it on the ground surrounding your hibiscus bed. Be careful not to over-apply, though -- use no more than 4 ounces per 1 square yard of soil.
Predator Urine
Another way to keep squirrels from eating your hibiscus plants is making them think there are predators in the area. Spraying predator urine around the hibiscus beds can trick the hungry critters into believing that other animals are in the area. Many commercial squirrel repellents use a urine-based formula, which is easy to spray on the surrounding soil. If you have a dog or cat, you can also use some of their hair to scare off squirrels. Collect it from your vacuum cleaner and sprinkle it on the soil around your plants.
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