The Holly Moon...
The Full Moon approaches...Tommorrow actually. The full moon tommorrow is what is known as a Blue Moon... You know the old phrase it only happens once in a blue moon, meaning it doesn't happen very often... hence tommorrow is a very special and powerful time...This blue moon happens to fall within the Holly Tree Month.
Use this month to celebrate your successes with family and friends and to consider sharing your good fortune with others.
The holly is magically imbued with powers of protection. In England, it was believed to protect against witchcraft and to guard homes against being struck by lightning. Its evergreen leaves symbolize renewal and recovery during the dark half of the year and ward against envy and the misuse of power.
In Pagan tradition, men carry sachets of holly leaves and berries, which will enhance their masculinity due to the tree’s restorative and energizing powers.
Celebrate the harvest of the season and of the things that enrich your life during the Holly Moon by inviting friends to dinner.
Eighth month of the Celtic Tree
calendar, July 8th - August 4th
Eighth consonant of the Ogham alphabet - Tinne | |
Planet: Mars and Saturn
Element: Fire
Symbolism: The Sword of Truth, Unconditional love, sacrifice,
Stone: Ruby, Bloodstone
Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magick
Birds: Cardinal, Starling
Color: Red
Deity: Lugh, Tannus, Thor
Sabbat: Lughnasa, Celtic festival of the Sun God Lugh, Lammas
Death of the God of the Waxing year (Oak
Birth of the God of the Waning year (Holly
Folk Names: Aquifolius, Bat's Wings, Christ's Thorn, Holy Tree, Holm Chaste,
Hulm, Hulver Bush
Medicinal properties:
The powdered leaves were brewed into a healing tea for measles, and the ashes
from burning the leaves in a drink soothed whooping cough. Hot compresses made
from the leaves and bark helped ease the pain of broken bones and
Magickal properties: A
"par excellence" protective herb, it protects against lightning, poison, and
evil spirits. When thrown at wild animals it makes them lie down quietly and
leave you alone. Sprinkle an infusion made with Holly on newborn babies to
protect them. Holly is considered the male counterpart to the female Ivy. Even
though Holly's Yule festival greens are traditionally burned at Imbolg, a small
sprig us kept for luck and to keep evil away throughout the year.
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CAUTION: Holly Berries are purgative and often cause nausea and
They are poisonous to children.
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Use Holly berries with your favorite spell for female fertility
and sexuality:
Red Holly Berries symbolize the life-giving
of the Mother Goddess.
Gather three berries (or a multiple of three)
and carry them in your hand to a body of water.
As you say your incantation,
drop the berries into the water.
Visualize a circle of light surrounding you as you go through
your spell.
adapted from Whispers from the Woods, by
Sandra Kynes
Lammas is the ancient Celtic festival at the beginning of harvest
Lughnasad is the Irish name for this festival; it was a time of
fairs, trading and celebration.
Now, when the days grow visibly shorter and the sun seems to
decline, the crops ripen.
So too, when we work for justice, when we have expended huge
energies to bring about change, the results often come only when the tides of
enthusiasm and urgency seem to be ebbing.
When the marching and the shouting die away, public opinion
quietly shifts.
Lammas means "loaf-mass" the festival when we honor and celebrate
the grain and the food that sustains our life. In a just world, no one would go
All people would have access to good quality food - organic,
fresh, local, and truly nourishing.
The grain stands golden in the fields, but has not yet been
gathered in. We stand poised between hope and fear. Lammas is a time of
consequence, when we reap what we have sown. Globally, we are now reaping the
consequences of decades of injustice, of neglect and exploitation of the earth.
Will we make the change, in time to avert disaster? Will we reap destruction, or
harvest a new world based on harmony, balance and love?
Our choices and actions will tip the scales.
Starhawk 2007 and We'Moon '08
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by Gillian Kemp
Like the Evergreen Holly tree, or "holy tree" you have divine
talents at the root and heart of your being. Your whole world can grow
"evergreen" from it. Like the berries or the smooth or prickly leaves on a male
of female tree, your life will take shape around its essential nature. The
thorny leaves and red berries represent suffering. When the fruits are
discovered by patience, what is possibly a test now will prove a credit to you.
This is a fresh start, a second chance, or time of renewal and permanence,
promising a fortified heart and a happier life. Parties and reunions lie ahead,
just as the Holly tree enjoys Winter while anticipating the
Holly berries were used to predict winter weather. If there were a
profusion of berries, that meant it would be a hard winter, because the Goddess
was providing extra berries for the birds.
Holly is one of the three timbers in the Chariot
It represents personal sacrifice in order to gain something of
greater value.
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from The Wisdom
of Trees by Jane Gifford
Holly reminds us of the need to calm our emotions, if we are to
reach wise decisions about our situation. The often painful consequences of our
actions are brought to the surface for examination, and calm acceptance of our
responsibility is required. We are reminded of the need to view ourselves, as
well as others, in the light of compassion and unconditional love. Like the
Hanged Man of the Tarot, holly represents personal sacrifice in order to gain
something of greater value.
As the days shorten after summer solstice and the Moon grows in power, focus on putting bad situations behind you.
The eighth Celtic Moon month ushers in the shortening of days. The power of the Sun is transferred to Earth, highlighting our practical needs and desires. The Celtic fire festival of Lammas begins the harvest on August 1, so the month of the Holly Moon is a time to give thanks for the good things in your life. Focus on your own “harvest” during the month of Holly – on what you wish to achieve and why.Share Your Successes
Traditionally, the first gain harvested was baked into a loaf that represented the spirit of the crop, or “John Barleycorn” as it is called in England. This bread was shared in a ceremony to ensure the wealth of community.Use this month to celebrate your successes with family and friends and to consider sharing your good fortune with others.
The holly is magically imbued with powers of protection. In England, it was believed to protect against witchcraft and to guard homes against being struck by lightning. Its evergreen leaves symbolize renewal and recovery during the dark half of the year and ward against envy and the misuse of power.Restoration
The planetary rule of holly is Mars, which bestows upon the tree the ability to restore direction in your life, to rebalance and align energy, and to help you gain a sense of purpose.In Pagan tradition, men carry sachets of holly leaves and berries, which will enhance their masculinity due to the tree’s restorative and energizing powers.
Harvest of Friends

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