An Interesting Find....
Today at the gym while I was walking out the door there was a wonderful large orange colored moth lying on the carpet just inside the gym doors. My sister and the man behind us were all quite startled by the large odd looking moth just laying there??? HMMMMMM. I of course picked it up and took it outside and put it in a safe place...Yes It had to be a sign of something...So I took to the net to find out a little about this strange looking creature. Turns out it is a Polyphemus Moth.....named after the Cyclops Polyphemus in the The Odyssey
A Quick-List of Symbolic Moth Meanings

Even in navigation, when we observe the moth to fly into artificial light or flames, the moth demonstrates its faith and determination.
It is still unproven as to why the moth is driven to light - but the best hypothesis is that the moth navigates by lunar light. In the absence of moonlight, the moth moves to the next best thing: man-made light.
Even at the risk of loosing its life, the moth is ever-vigilant in following its path of light. This may also serve as a moral to us to keep our own vigilance, but not fall victim of blind faith.
Here we see a fragile vulnerability in the moth. The moon is her mother, and she will follow her course at all cost. This makes her open to distraction, vulnerable to harm. Here we may find another message to adjust our course as our path indicates rather than drive forward without heeding important signs along the way.
As a creature of the night, and by her navigational devices, we see the moth is highly influenced by the power of the moon. This aspect ties in with animal symbolism of intuition, and psychic awareness.
Indeed, those with the moth totem will find this creature a magnificent assistant in developing higher awareness, and psychic enhancement.
However, with higher perception we sometimes overstep into the realm of confusion. It is important to seat ourselves in grounding foundations when we step in-tune with the lunar aspects of the moth. In other words, fly high with the moth - but always have a clear runway for happy, safe landings.
The moth continues to be under the influence in matters of love. She emits pheromones that are powerfully strong, attracting her male counterpart through the dark nights. These scented trails can be followed for remarkable distances.
If Moth has flown across your path;
Moth is the master of disguise and is reminding you to be aware that you could be hiding from yourself. Are you using your emotions to keep yourself hidden from others? Is it time that you transform your emotional energy away from drama and into something closer to your heart? Have faith in your journey and trust that although things seem to be complicated right now – you will eventually see the light. Use your heart to guide you.
If Moth is your Animal Totem;
You are the most optimistic of souls! You can find the silver lining in every crisis, the light in any darkness and the love in any frustration. Your ability to seek out the positive in any situation makes you a good listener for your peers, a great peer counselor and advice giver, as well as highly sought after as a friend. You are popular, generous with your attention and understand the subtleties of the way the universe works around you. You have a gift for attracting what you need in life and have very little difficulty moving through life changes and transformations. You find joy in rituals and dance. You also know how to use your intuition and have a great deal of psychic awareness.
If Moth has come into your Dream;
If Moth has flown into your dream it is generally a notice for you to pay attention to the minor details and take care not to overlook things. It may also be suggesting that some unseen irritation may not surface until it is too late. Alternatively the Moth could symbolize your weaknesses, character flaws and the fragile state you are currently in. It is putting you on notice that you need to step back and take time to heal before moving forward.
A Quick-List of Symbolic Moth Meanings
Even in navigation, when we observe the moth to fly into artificial light or flames, the moth demonstrates its faith and determination.
It is still unproven as to why the moth is driven to light - but the best hypothesis is that the moth navigates by lunar light. In the absence of moonlight, the moth moves to the next best thing: man-made light.
Even at the risk of loosing its life, the moth is ever-vigilant in following its path of light. This may also serve as a moral to us to keep our own vigilance, but not fall victim of blind faith.
Here we see a fragile vulnerability in the moth. The moon is her mother, and she will follow her course at all cost. This makes her open to distraction, vulnerable to harm. Here we may find another message to adjust our course as our path indicates rather than drive forward without heeding important signs along the way.
As a creature of the night, and by her navigational devices, we see the moth is highly influenced by the power of the moon. This aspect ties in with animal symbolism of intuition, and psychic awareness.
Indeed, those with the moth totem will find this creature a magnificent assistant in developing higher awareness, and psychic enhancement.
However, with higher perception we sometimes overstep into the realm of confusion. It is important to seat ourselves in grounding foundations when we step in-tune with the lunar aspects of the moth. In other words, fly high with the moth - but always have a clear runway for happy, safe landings.
The moth continues to be under the influence in matters of love. She emits pheromones that are powerfully strong, attracting her male counterpart through the dark nights. These scented trails can be followed for remarkable distances.
If Moth has flown across your path;
Moth is the master of disguise and is reminding you to be aware that you could be hiding from yourself. Are you using your emotions to keep yourself hidden from others? Is it time that you transform your emotional energy away from drama and into something closer to your heart? Have faith in your journey and trust that although things seem to be complicated right now – you will eventually see the light. Use your heart to guide you.
If Moth is your Animal Totem;
You are the most optimistic of souls! You can find the silver lining in every crisis, the light in any darkness and the love in any frustration. Your ability to seek out the positive in any situation makes you a good listener for your peers, a great peer counselor and advice giver, as well as highly sought after as a friend. You are popular, generous with your attention and understand the subtleties of the way the universe works around you. You have a gift for attracting what you need in life and have very little difficulty moving through life changes and transformations. You find joy in rituals and dance. You also know how to use your intuition and have a great deal of psychic awareness.
If Moth has come into your Dream;
If Moth has flown into your dream it is generally a notice for you to pay attention to the minor details and take care not to overlook things. It may also be suggesting that some unseen irritation may not surface until it is too late. Alternatively the Moth could symbolize your weaknesses, character flaws and the fragile state you are currently in. It is putting you on notice that you need to step back and take time to heal before moving forward.
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