What's New and What's Blue....

ON a darker note...My job once again fell into question...Oh so much has happened.. Our owner told us on a Friday...Friday would be our last day??? What??? Talk about some short notice! A new owner bought the place so we were all offered waitressing jobs at the new place...GEEEEEEEE the last few months have once again been full of personal upheavals, change, and a little side dish of STRESS!!!! Through the training and learning the new system, the mean, crazy...ughhhhh people...all the different personalities at the new restaurant...it truly is a different world from our little Sam's family.. scary...just a little bit...FROWN. But I've been adjusting I told myself I had to give it a few months before I just quit. So many of my Sam's friends have left... It deeply saddens me. I've still been working at the Sam's at HP on Sunday's that hasn't changed. I'm glad I had that one day...throughout the whole month we were all off from work...NO $$$$$...hard times. They asked me last week if I wanted to come to HP and work...something I'd at one time hoped for.. But now the words fall hollow...and I didn't want to hear them? I don't want to step back.....I feel like if I'm uncomfortable at the new place than it will be easier for me to leave... I don't want to be a waitress my whole life... Also I've been doing volunteer work at this Archaeology place called "Corn Island Archaelogy" To get a job their would be the dream job for me...More on that later.....Gotta go...Just need a little vent time...
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