Here it is Friday..I didn't get a chance to post yesterday..blahh. I hate that because I so enjoy typing on here and just getting the opportunity to clear my head. Today I have been a busy bee in the kitchen making my famous peanut butter fudge! Tomorrow is a church festival that I will be selling my fudge and jewelry at. Hopefully I'll make a couple extra bucks..Wish me luck..smile. A little word on my cat..poor baby was in a cat fight and he didn't come out the victor..luckily with a shot of antibiotics and some rest he will be on the mend.. Back to the ever daunting subject of the weather. Yesterday was a downpour..I even got a alert on my cell phone that there is a flood warning till 5!! Oh Mann..my first thought when the rain started was my newly planted vegetable bed?? Will it flood? Will they be uprooted? Drowned out? Oh the worry..LOL This morning I checked my bed and although there are a few puddles of standing water, everything seems to have weathered the storm fairly well. Now Bipitty bopitty boo!! All I need is a few days of sunshine perhaps a light wind..and wallah..were back in business! Thanks to my raised bed, which as you know provides excellent drainage I believe my vegetables were spared. Other parts of my yard didn't fare as well. Pools of water are standing everywhere, and my other 2 vegetable beds have alot of water standing in them. Its going to be a couple weeks at least before I can get those ready for planting.

That is if we have nice days, and the incessant rain holds off. I tell you if it isn't snowing its raining, and it is always way to cool..oh my! I hate to sound negative but come on nature..cut us a little slack. Yesterday I saw a sad sight, a female mallard duck..rain soaked and dead in the parking lot. To my dismay I drove around it..to show respect..It got me thinking about where I was at the time and what that parking lot looked like 10 years ago. I was reminded that 10 years ago before the mini mall was erected that area was a virtual swamplike/ grass land which inhabited many different species of birds, and other wildlife. The city has tried to maintain some of the wildlife habitat, there is still a large lake by town hall, where many geese, and ducks live. There is even a duck zing on several roads close to the lake. I can't tell you how many times I've been stopped on that road waiting for the proverbial chicken to cross the road..or duck rather. I always slow down or stop and the whole situation brings a slight smile to my face. It's kind of like were all living harmoniously in one spot. But yesterday when I saw the dead duck I thought about how we as humans do play the role of invader into the lives and habitats of various animals. And although I'm not suggesting we halt all progress, I hope that we can continue to make efforts to live in balance with are furried and feathered friends.
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