It's so pretty out!! Hot even..The first of my seeds to sprout is Thyme!! Yahh! One of my favorite herbs. I really like the smell and fresh thyme is great in scrambled eggs..yummy. I predict the basil and moon vines will come in a close second. We'll see how that turns out. All the trees are in bloom..the grass has been transformed from the drab green of winter to the emerald plush carpet that emerges in Spring.The pink of the cherry blossoms adds a touch of color to the landscapes background. The spring flowers are all in full showy bloom. Easter is Sunday and all of nature has come out to celebrate.. It's all simply lovely! Spring is most definitely my favorite time of year. It's as if the earth is in its maiden form, every thing is fresh and new... Spring is the earth's youth!! Summer the Mother,, Fall the 60's and Winter..old age..a fair analogy.
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