I've been reading some Mother Earth News Magazines of late...yes I took a trip to the library!! I just love the library..Their Hobby Farms Magazine, Mother Earth News...interesting books galore. SMILE Anyway this one article in particular was talking about how the average age of most farmers in the USA are in their late 50's... Hmmm in 10 yrs all of these farmers will most likely be retired??? How does or will this impact the future of farming and our food industry??? Kind of scary? In years past everyone was a farmer. When researching my ancestors on ancestry.com I find that all my great grandparents were farmers and or lived in the country on a farm. So I guess this is a bit of a trip down the socio/cultural developmental lane..so to speak. What Happened? Is farming not desirable anymore? To tell you the truth as someone who lives near a big city, yet lives in a small city and spends a great deal of time in the country/rural parts of Indiana..I do see alot. Here is my perspective..I think we as a society have lost our ability to live simply...in harmony with nature... As time has passed we want the fast track..we want high tech, we want cell phones, Internet, and quick and easy foods we can dump out of a bag, or cook in the microwave. Better yet we as a society love fast food, instant gratification...and yes candy bars, chips...and all the preservatives that go along with them..haha!! I too love me some Doritos..but I press on..Having said that I think society has slowly took a turn to living in the city..easier access to readily available resources..food, jobs, technology, entertainment..I think we've gotten lazy as a whole..we work hard, but not harddddd like people used too. No longer are we growing our own food, worrying about irrigation, cooking tirelessly all day, making our own clothes, and crafting our own entertainment.. Life was alot different way back when.. For many people today that way back when lifestyle is fascinating and way back when has become a hobby of sorts...and that's great!! Because some people are atleast embracing the past and it's pros...and remembering how things used to be.. However way back when mentality is not the most popular book on the shelf. More and more people are replacing homespun how to for Major Department Stores. Kids are going to college and becoming technological analyst and apple store geniuses...You don't hear to many 18 year olds saying there dream is to be a farmer?? There are some but not many.. Farming has become a family generational type thing..If your in your in, if not why?? My cousins live in a very rural part of Northern Indiana.. farms galore.. My oldest cousin is a member of the FFA.. Future Farmers of America. He works in the seed industry. How can we get more young people interested in farming and food production?? Not really sure. This article in the magazine suggested that people focus more on smaller scale local farms providing more local fresh vegetables, and food products to their own little communities. Possibly this is a take care of your own type thing..But it does sound very interesting. Many people are very into the whole Buy Local thing..I am too..I helps local economy, helps local people/community and the products your buying are fresher and most likely have less preservatives. I've worked at local farmers markets as a Master Gardener and its awesome to see how people get real excited about fresh foods...some people only shop farmers markets in the summer..awesome!! Well that's enough of a rant for now... Till next time..
I just love this view on a bright, sunny Saturday morning!!
Here are the hours the New Albany Farmers Market..
The Summer Farmers Market is open on Saturday's beginning May 10th through
October 25th from 8 am to 1 pm. |
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