I recently told my sister that she needed to take a "Spiritual Journey" A couple days later I realized I needed to take my own advice! Truth be told
I feel like I have been on a journey since the fire at Sam's back in December. I don't really get to into it with anyone cause for one I'm let's say A closed book to most people, and for two I guess I figure people get tired of hearing about my problems..But this journey was more or less forced..but it needed to happen. I was stuck in a rutt, a job that I may have stayed at forever, and I really didn't want that to happen. But I didn't know how to change. I'm still kinda there one day a week...but this detachment from the day to day monotony of Sam's has made me realize I don't want to go back to that. I can't..Were scheduled to be open MON-FRI in like 2 weeks, and I already told them the days I'd work but I also told them I was actively seeking other employment. My options are open. I have put in so many applications, banks, libraries, cellphone shops, the post office to no avail! I recently thought about nursing but it seems like everyone around me thought that was a bad idea. Maybe they are right, I don't really want to change bed pans, and give showers all day... But..there are still lots of jobs/careers in the Health care field...Phlebotomy..aka taking blood, x-ray tech, both of these jobs I hear pay really well. I read on the net the average x-ray tech makes 40 grand a year.. Yes, I could handle that. I looked up a local school and the program doesn't seem all that difficult. I've emailed schools, asked for info, applied for jobs...Come on God something has to happen?? Please send me a sign, a little guidance would be nice. Just so I know I'm heading in the right direction. My sister was talking about finding her spirit animal the other day. I' believe in that sort of thing so it peaked my interest. There are some fun online tests you can do, though judging by all the fun test results I can't really determine which is true. So far I'm a owl, spider, wolf, and rainbow trout.. No mention of the Raven, which I've always felt very akin too...hmmm. Again I need a sign???? Help!! I'm on a journey, I'm open to those moments of clarity where I know I'm on the right track. A ah ha..moment would be nice..

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