Well I've really been slacking on my blog of late..only 12 posts all month..mannn. Not good. Since this really did start as a "Garden Blog"...I'm going to get back in the saddle by talking about how things have gone this growing season....Ummm..not so good. I'd have to characterize this growing season as a bit of a failure, unless you want to get into the bumper crop of squash and zucchini. So I guess if this was the old times and I was dependent upon my harvests for food and survival, I could have just ate alottt...I mean alot of squash.. I'm picturing squash pies, squash bread, fried squash, sauteed, aldente...oh the list goes on. It's also just a tad bit boring, but you have to make do with what you have,right? Most of the tomatoes had blossom end rot, even the potted ones. The ones that didn't have blossom end rot were grown in the miracle grow bags of garden soil..you remember my Instant Gardening trial.. Well they did at least grow, and no blossom end rot to be found but the squirrels ravaged them, and what was left really didn't do so well. The cucumbers fell short, so did the cantaloupe and watermelon. I actually pulled up a bunch of vines that did in fact have baby cantaloupes on them...Why?? Because the vines have been in since May...and the baby cantaloupes have never really taken off and I don't believe there going to. Now the cool weather stuff did fairly well, I had some nice cabbage heads, and the broccoli did ok, so did the Okra..but they like heat. The weather has been wacky, hot, cold, humid, then nice and pleasant. Right now were in a Tropical Rainforest stint...rain everyday, then sunny, humid as hell, and unbearable. "Headache Weather" as my grandmother always put it. It's the type of weather if your working out in it to long...you will most certainly get a Migraine, at least I will..
I've sewed grass seed, I know kind of crazy for July and August..but I did. It has done fabulous. I water it everyday with the sprinkler and it's really come up nicely. So that's one garden sucess story for 2014. All in all though 2014 hasn't been to productive. Sigh....
So much squash so little time...lol These do in fact look tasty and give some great ideas on what to do with all that Squash...

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