I'm not sure why I neglected to post about the Hazel Moon. Which technically we're still in the Hazel Moon, it's just the full moon has passed, and we are now into the waning phase of the moon's cycle. I've been kinda out of it lately but also I've been feeling kind of empowered, but then something will happen to where I backslide...Ok...a lot of mixed info, let me explain. I mean I feel like I 've had some moments of clarity lately, maybe because its the Hazel Moon time and Hazel is all about gaining knowledge and developing Wisdom...about life, and so on...I've just felt so lost of late. And I feel like every life lesson takes me longer to learn for some reason. I dwell, hold on, and dwell some more. Not a good combo. I don't move, I don't renew myself, I just simply stay the same, a never changing blob of depression, and deep seeded regret, and bitterness... Woahhhh!! I feel like my life's been turned upside down since the restaurant burned. So many changes in many different facets of my life. But, I'm in a sense glad it happened because it forced me to think...look foreword, think about a life that was actually different than the one I had before. However it's been a really hard and scary 7 months for me, and it isn't settled yet. I've put in so many applications, nothing pans out. I thought about nursing and everyone in my life doesn't seem to think it's a great idea...which it shouldn't matter what anyone thinks I'm done with that!!### But...maybe they were right I'm not sure I want to put in catheters change bed pans, help people get showers... I don't know about all that??? But I do know that the medical field is where it's at, and technology. Those two industries are booming right now, and if I ever want to find a good job well then...it basically has to be in one of those fields. Plus the medical field offers a flexible schedule, and the money to live a comfortable life, plus I don't mind working on the weekends... A 3 day work week, 12 hrs a day is a sweet deal.... at least to me. Then I would have the time to do other things, and still have a fairly decent income....so what do I do, go back to school...gee that's scary just typing it.. But I will...if I need to. I'm looking on the net, I'm trying to find out how I can make this happen???I applied at the hospital for 2 jobs....I was so hopeful. Then yesterday I got 2 emails, stating the hospital has moved on with other candidates. Bummer...I really wanted one of those jobs, it would get my foot in the door. Lord, I just need a sign, I need a little help in the right direction, please let something open up for me...In Jesus Name So be it...
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