Make a Rain Barrel!!!! Atleast you feel as if all this excess rain were getting, all the flooding, all the postponement of tilling, and plantings...Sighhhh....well has a upside.. OKKK Let's try and stay positive.. Rain is awesome! It feeds the ground, and makes are flowers and vegetables grow. If we didn't have enough of it..We'd all be complaining too.. Ummmmmm may I say Balance... I believe wholeheartedly in nature, and that nature knows best. Perhaps all this spring rain indicates a coming summer drought. Maybe she's just stocking up for a future bump in the road.. Who knows... But there again tell that to the people with flooded homes, and those who have watched there cars literally sail down the river...smile..But I digress....As I've said before when life gives you lemons make lemonade. Try and find the good in it, and turn that frown upside down..lol. I may have talked about making a rainbarrel in the past on here. But I'm at a loss for how you do one...soooo here I go again...Instructions on the next post...Good Day!
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