I just love mornings like this...bright sunny, cool, crisp spring days...Where the whole earth is in her maiden form...and she beckons the warm weather to come hither....Ohhhh..A poetic time of year indeed! Spring is my favorite time of year..or perhaps you have noticed... However this spring has been a bit troublesome. So much rain. I believe were up to 21 inches now for the year...an amount were usually just reaching in October...geee and here it is only April 21!!! Needless to say working the ground to prepare for spring plantings has been all but impossible. So much for the cabbages, and the broccoli,,,,and the lettuce.. Well I haven't given up all hope just yet..It is still fairly cool..Only 37 degrees this morning. So maybe it's not to late if I can get the one bed cleared this morning...maybe...smile. It's still very late though usually I have my cabbages out by the first of April...here it is 21 days later, and I haven't even broke ground...Ughhh... Well just see..
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