Well, I had the ultrasound on my leg last week, and there is no blood clot in sight, or blocked arteries, or plaque build up... Yahhh!!! So the Dr. must have been right about the electrolyte deficiency.. However, it is still a little puzzling to me that the deficiency didn't show up in my blood work. Plus it's even a little more disheartening that its been a week now and I've yet to even hear a peep from the doctor about my test... Wow it really goes to show that you have to be your own health advocate.. Luckily the info about electrolyte shortage the Nurse practicioner gave me that day at the officce, and my own searches on the net...set me up pretty good. I started taking Magnesium supplements and drinking the sport drinks and bammm,,,I haven't had a cramp since.. HMMM.. Perhaps my electrolytes are just depleting quicker than others.... But the proof is in the pudding and the changes and supplements have done the trick.. So it's all good....smile
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