Yesterday we all worked hard in the garden...getting things transplanted, built, moved and so on.. As I've said before this years garden is in for a total makeover... Were determined to leave no stone unturned so to speak. Take it all up and put it back, so everything is fresh and new! Of course doing that to a large garden area is not a easy fact it's quite a challenge. I transplanted a bunch of plants that were growing happily in front of the building. But....those plants wouldn't be happy for long considering in a week or so the Leaning Tower of Pisa that is our building is coming down. Any little plant in the definitely in real danger. So we thought we'd get them to safety before the take down day. Another project yesterday was getting a gateway of some sort built..Pam and Seth worked on that.. Digging post holes and setting posts. I actually got a bit of a tan It was very sunny in the day but later on rained. I was actually glad for the rain because it helped set my transplants in the ground. I finally took some pictures of the garden. I wish I'd took some like 2 weeks ago.. It's already come along way.. But I imagine pictures in June or July will have more of a "Blow Away" effect. Because you can really see what a transformation is taking place. I took a picture of the building only so people can see how it looked..and then what it will look like once the building is down and the picket fence herb bed is up.. Can't wait!!! The picture with rocks is so you can see how many rocks we had to move in order to get clear land in order to construct the new water garden area. Which I think is going to look fantastic under the small willow tree. Oh and the last picture is a lovely surprise rainbow I happened to snap a pic of at the end of the day. To me..a sign that nature is happy with our efforts..
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