I think I've mentioned before that my mom and aunt love yard sales!! Actually I do too..once I went with my mom on whats called "The Roller Coaster" yard sale.. It spands from Horse Cave, Kentucky all the way down to Tennessee. It's a yardsalers dream, stretches of road as far as the eye can see...one yard sale right after another!! Usually at these yard sales you can find odds and ends silverware that can be added to your own personal set. We always look for our patterns, as well as other patterns we already have trying to complete sets for resale. We've sold many silver sets on Ebay.. We've both become quite adept at finding patterns online and doing what I like to call "Silver" research online. I have to say I've learned alot about sterling silver, silver plate, how to tell the difference, and all about various patterns, silver makers, and prices. Recently my mom has discovered a bunch of "straggler" silver plated silverware she'd been keeping in the closet... All different types of patterns..no rhyme or reason to any of it.. She was wondering what to do with it all and I suggested some art projects I saw online making use of old silverware..With Garden Season starting soon, and all those freshly started seed pots..these garden markers are the perfect project!!
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