Thoughts and Things..
― Darnell Lamont Walker
The other day was so beautiful!! It was 72 degrees, warm, breezy..just awesome!! I sat on my back step with my cat enjoying the lovely view. Dudley was rolling around on the patio..and I thought hmmm..wonder what that would be like...other than wildly The whole landscape was bursting with renewed life. Nature's song was being sung via the chirping of the birds, and the scurrying around of the squirrels. It was like listening to a meditation and delving into a higher state of conscoiusness. I've really come to appreciate the beauty of nature..and the inner serenity it can bring. Like the old saying goes.."Take time to stop and smell the roses"..everytime I get frustrated in traffic or hurried/stressed..I try and remember that old saying. That life is to short to spend your life feeling out of sorts, and allowing the little things to become mountains that we must overcome. Live life as it was intended..peacefully and in harmony with Mother Earth. I used to climb in a tree like the one pictured. It was a old dogwood tree at my grandmothers house that grew just outside her kitchen window. I'd always climb up into the tree and sit on one of its sturdy forks. She would watch from that window..always preparing a sweet treat for us kids. Sometimes she'd come outside with us, and we'd have a pinic.
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