Stress!!! I really believe it's the single worst thing in the world...for your health and mentality..I believe other issues such as anxiety and depression go hand in hand with Stress..to me there all related. Like brothers and sisters in a epic battle to take one soul after another. Stress, Depression, and Anxiety all feed off one another making each other stronger..mangling lives until we are just one big ball of nerves. My grandma used to say, "Cut a corner and let the grass grow awhile". She really knew how to deal with stress..and always seemed in a chipper sunny mood. Sometimes I feel like I'm this shade walking around that just casts more shadows..I used to be like a piece of sterling silver..already lovely but when polished I shined!! Not so much anymore..I feel very tarnished sitting in the silver box for many years..I'm always emotional..I cry, I feel depressed..I just want to escape. I want so badly to feel like the shiny new penny..to deal with the things that haunt me..to be better. How?? I've been told I have to stop worrying about what other people think, stop people pleasing, stop the madness. Stop feeling guilty!! A psychic once told me I carried more guilt than anyone she'd ever come acrossed, and offered me a book title I should find and read..I never did.. I wish I had. This is a personal journey..Maybe less stress equals less headaches..
Maybe there’s nothing you can do about stress. The
bills won’t stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day, and your
career and family responsibilities will always be demanding. But you have more
control than you might think. In fact, the simple realization that you’re in
control of your life is the foundation of stress management. Managing stress is
all about taking charge: of your thoughts, emotions, schedule, and the way you
deal with problems.
Identify the sources of stress in your life
Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life.
This isn’t as easy as it sounds.
Your true sources of stress aren’t always
obvious, and it’s all too easy to overlook your own stress-inducing thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors. Sure, you may know that you’re constantly worried about
work deadlines. But maybe it’s your procrastination, rather than the actual job
demands, that leads to deadline stress.
To identify your true sources of stress, look closely at your habits,
attitude, and excuses:
- Do you explain away stress as temporary (“I just have a million things going
on right now”) even though you can’t remember the last time you took a breather?
- Do you define stress as an integral part of your work or home life (“Things
are always crazy around here”) or as a part of your personality (“I have a lot
of nervous energy, that’s all”).
- Do you blame your stress on other people or outside events, or view it as
entirely normal and unexceptional?
Until you accept responsibility for the role you play in creating or
maintaining it, your stress level will remain outside your control.
Start a Stress Journal
A stress journal can help you identify the regular stressors in your life and
the way you deal with them. Each time you feel stressed, keep track of it in
your journal. As you keep a daily log, you will begin to see patterns and common
themes. Write down:
- What caused your stress (make a guess if you’re unsure)
- How you felt, both physically and emotionally
- How you acted in response
- What you did to make yourself feel better
Look at how you currently cope with stress
Think about the ways you currently manage and cope with stress in your life.
Your stress journal can help you identify them. Are your coping strategies
healthy or unhealthy, helpful or unproductive? Unfortunately, many people cope
with stress in ways that compound the problem. I'm not sure I really cope with stress. I think all I do is turn it inward..and get headaches and cry in secret about it..not good..I don't really have a outward response to stress because I feel like I'm not allowed too.. I always have to be perfect..so I can't drink..I can't take pills, I can't get angry and yell and carry on!!
Unhealthy ways of coping with stress
These coping strategies may temporarily reduce stress, but they cause more
damage in the long run:
- Using pills or drugs to relax
- Sleeping too much
- Procrastinating
- Filling up every minute of the day to avoid facing problems
- Taking out your stress on others (lashing out, angry outbursts, physical
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