I recently got a book called
Medicinal Herbs by Rosemary Gladstar.. I tell you she is awesome and so far I absolutely love her book. In the beginning she discusses the differences between a tincture and a liniment, a "true tea", a decoction, and things likes making syrups and salves...all of which are great ways of utilizing herbs as medicine. There are many ways to prepare your herbs.. and use these concoctions for health and healing. I've found the book very interesting! I want to start using my herbs, instead of just growing them, letting them go to seed and then cutting them back and throwing them away... I know....very wasteful...the herbalist around the world are shuddering at the thought...smile. I love growing things, watching how they emerge as a seedling, seeing the growth spurts, tending the little plants until they are lovely and full grown. But....I'm not so good about making use of things I grow. Yes, there's more to growing plants than simply the aesthetic side of things. I need to get back to that mentality..or rather into that. It's so easy now a days to go to the dollar store and get a bottle of crushed basil, or dried rosemary. However, growing your own herbs insures you know how they were processed and handled, no chemicals etc.. Plus I really do feel growing your own herbs, and infusing them with your energies, makes them more powerful! So why don't I use my homegrown herbs more often...I don't know..maybe I'm just lazy about it...But my goal is to do better...
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