Yesterday as I was driving down the road and getting ready to pull into the driveway a acorn came flying at the car. At first I thought maybe a acorn fell from the big Oak Tree, that makes sense right? But the acorn was flying from the side, like someone threw it at the car.. I then thought maybe the kids were standing in the tree line throwing acorns at the road for fun...you remember how that kind of thing used to be fun...lol. But No kids, Nada...so whats up with that? The acorn ended up at the bottom of my windshield and it was brown already dried..Hmmm. Maybe it was a sign? There is a great deal of folklore and information out there about the significance of acorns, all of which seems, lucky and good...take a peek. I'm thinking about making my special acorn into a necklace perhaps it's message is just what I need right now!

The acorn is the fruit of the oak tree and has long been a sacred tree to many different cultures, and the acorn was known as the sacred first food of mankind. It is a symbol of security and abundance.
An acorn carried on one’s person counteracts loneliness, illness, and pain, aids longevity, brings luck, and preserves youthfulness. Acorns will increase fertility, whether this be in matters if the mind and ideas or in reproductive matters. Acorns are often a talisman against lighting, especially when kept on a windowsill. This is why window blind pulls were often shaped like acorns. If gathered by the full moon, the acorns make good faerie talismans, as the fey have a love for oak. To plant an acorn under the light of the moon is to bring luck and prosperity to you.
To tell if a significant other is one’s “true love” take two acorn caps. One should be named for both the significant other and the inquirer. The caps should then be placed in a bowl of water. If they float together, it is “true love” if they float apart it is not love.
In mythology of Druids, Norse, Romans, Native Americans and many other cultures, acorns were very often present. There is a Nordic tale in which, Thor took shelter under and oak tree during a bad storm. Diana is often depicted wearing a necklace of acorns. The acorn is sacred to the Samhain season since the time of the ancient Celts/Druids who saw the Oak as especially sacred. The oak tree is a symbol of the Horned God, also known as Cernunnos and Herne, and acorns are often used in talismans and such that are devoted to The God.
I also found that finding a acorn in such a strange manner may represent you are coming into your powers...hmm. Also in the old days if a acorn was given to you, or you gave one to another..it was a secret language between fellow witches. The gift representing that you acknowledged and knew of the other person's powers.
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