Well today will be another lovely day. The sun in shining and the humidity is low...quite nice. Oh where to begin. I need to find a job?? But Where? Maybe everyone is tired of hearing me rant about this..but it is as true today as it was yesterday, or the day before that. The facts still haven't changed. I'm still only working one day a week..at Sam's new location..because really I'm not sure why...something can't get figured out with the paperwork!!! ughhhh. But truth be told I don't really want to go back to life as I knew it as Sam's waitress extraordinaire. Not really! Don't get me wrong I love my Friday nights, I make awesome money, see all my friends: customers, and coworkers. But I want more... I've put in probably 100 applications, and maybe that's not really evident by the fact that I really don't even have a job...You'd think I'd found something by now. What I've found is the old adage, "If you have a degree your going to be able to get a job anywhere because companies like you to have a degree" isn't entirely true. On interviews the first question is always, "Why do you want to work here, you have all this education?" Like the jobs I'm applying for are beneath me....well Maybe they are..because I have 3 college degrees. But, having said that, if I don't work in my ascribed field then I'm no better off than any other job seeker just out of high school who takes a job for 9 bucks a hour.. Yes, you can say that's not true...it couldn't be. But that is what I've found... I've tirelessly searched the net, all the higher paying jobs, want you to have job experience in that field, or a degree that is specific to that area or field...Plus my education in the field of counseling is out of date with all the rules and regulations in play now... Honestly I truly feel my education as a whole is unmarketable.. If I had it to do over I'd get a degree in something super specific, train for something, and then get a good job...the medical and tech fields are booming, my education is in none of that. What do I do? Go back to school? That is kinda scary, more money to dish out, when I have none. I wish I could find my way, my path. I don't have any confidence.. I'm trying right now to get a job at a coffee shop because they open really early so I could get alot of hours in a few days, and have the rest of the week, for me or maybe even time to go back to school. Send me a sign..
I'm lost.
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