It's hot, humid, and fall doesn't seem to be anywhere in sight. A month or so ago I posted about how everything was looking like Fall and it was really weird!!! Well now we've had a turn around...it's super hot, and some of the plants have bounced back. HMMM...Let me explain. A few things have occurred to me this growing season. One, there are several flowers that do well...with lets just say little to no care. In fact if you try to care for them, sometimes you end up hindering them. One in particular comes to mind Periwinkles..aka Vinca's. I've seen them growing down in Florida as these massive lovely perennials. Here in Indiana they are of course not perennials, but they do thrive in our hot humid months. I had a couple baskets, and the less I did to them the better they did. To much water...a vinca rots. Just let the rain do the watering for you, believe me Nature knows!! I mean there are exceptions, if there was a drought or something, with zip rain, then water by all means, or perhaps just water every once in awhile.That's what I do...at least with vincas... Petunias love to be cut back...a few weeks from then they will bloom getting their second wind...the same goes for Inpatients. My favorite flower! Geraniums....do not over water, they are the same as vincas..you will inadvertently kill them. SO for a worry free, low maintenance flower garden, plant, vincas and geraniums. They come in all kinds of lovely colors. Petunias are great too, they love a haircut, and a occasional miracle grow. And last but not least plant inpatients in the shade, they last all summer, and if you cut them back in August they are pretty again by September. Also grow herbs from seed...they are easy to start and don't require that much care... You will have a lovely garden just with these few favorites...
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