My dear friend gave me a great idea yesterday.....Bread Baked in Mason Jars!! Top it off with some festive Christmas material, add a cute bow and there you have it....a adorable, homemade gift from the heart...XOXO. I absolutely love this idea, so much so that last night I went to the grocery and got a box of quick mix banana bread to try it out..My friend also said to layer the bread with a homemade cream cheese filling, basically icing. So I got the ingredients gathered along with one wide mouth Mason Jar compliments of her....and this morning I gave the idea the old test run... As I always say...You Live and Learn!!! Today was a learning experience. First off I was a little worried about baking in mason jars, for some reason it just didn't sound doable..I was wrong. Though I had my jars on cookie sheets just in case the whole experiment went POW!!!! I also used a large pickle jar because I had so much batter...nope...nada. The wide mouth pint jars work because they are wide mouth and the bread easily comes out of the jar and your left with a pumpkin roll type dessert, that can be easily sliced...Yumm. The lip of the pickle jar made it hard to get the bread out. Also make sure you don't fill the jars up to much...remember to allow for rising. Or you will be like me and end up having to cut off the tops...LOL.. So I had a great learning experience and I'm all prepared to make a bunch of these jars for my friends, family, and co-workers for Christmas... Oh and I must also mention the Pillsbury Banana Quick bread along with the cream cheese filling...tastes awesome!!! Happy Holidays!
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