
― Khalil Gibran
“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper,
That we may record our emptiness.”
― Khalil Gibran
It has occurred to me that sometimes these posts come off as really random..A Gardening Blog??? Hmmm kinda...I realize for those who read this...and I hope these words are reaching someone that more often that not many people are probably like What the Hell is she talking about?? Strange and vague notions that probably won't make sense to most..scattered topics that truthfully are all over the to make bread pudding one day, cabbage, then the oak moon,what??? But please know I am vague and scattered for a reason...wink. And Yes at times I get real off ttopic and stray into a dark place that, well sometimes just needs to get out...on here. This so helps me. As I have said before this is my therapy...I don't take nerve pills because I have
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