Chigger's...Go Away
What are Chiggers?
Chiggers are small, hairy, red-coloured mites that belong to the family of spiders. They usually feast on the blood of their prey. Chiggers are mostly found in long grasses, woody areas, weed patches and any place with thick vegetation. They usually target the thin-skinned parts of their victim’s body, like ankles, armpits, behind the knees, groin, and waist. Chigger bites can be a bit irritating and itchy, and can be treated naturally by applying homemade remedies.Causes
Chigger mites or chigger bugs contain a digestive enzyme, which gets injected into the skin when the larvae of these mites stick to the skin. This causes red and itchy blisters on the victim’s body.Symptoms
- Itching
- Red and flattened blisters or bumps
- Rashes
- Hives
Here's some of the best home remedies for mosquito bites!
I was so impressed with a couple of these natural insect bite remedies that this was the first page I wrote in the first aid catagory! Probably because it's the middle of summer in Minnesota as I write this and I just happen to be highly allergic to most insect bites. I hope these work as well for you as they do for me. Many of these remedies are also effective for cases of itchy skin or rashes. Use these folk cures for bee stings, chigger bites, spider bites, flea bites, horse fly bites and even bed bug bites! Did I mention these are some of the very best mosquito bites remedies?
My first and favorite for insect bite relief is one I just learned recently and believe me, it works!
PLANTAIN - This short, broadleaf weed is common throughout North America and you've probably even tried to eradicate from your yard but it has many amazing healing properties including a remedy for insect bites.
Pick a leaf or two and chew them up a bit. Rub into the bite and hold it there several minutes. You can use a band-aid to hold it in place. You just made a plantain poultice! The itching will continue a while but before long you'll forget it was there. This has worked for me on deer fly bites that usually make me miserable for a week or more!
If you have something against chewing a weed put some of your saliva on the bite then crush and roll the leaves in your hands and apply.
NOTE: Plantain is actually good for you but make sure you're picking in an area that hasn't been sprayed with any type of chemical. For this reason don't pick near roadsides!
Here's a list of other insect bite remedies. They work in the same way as the plantain but without the need to chew.
- RAW ONION - Hold a raw onion poultice on a bite or sting for several minutes. Works amazingly fast and great home remedy for bee stings too!
- LAVENDER - Pure, organic lavender essential oil applied directly to the bite or sting will bring relief.
- 'CLEAN' MUD - Apply mud and let dry. No need to cover.
- VINEGAR - Apply often.
- BAKING SODA - Make a paste with baking soda & water.
- ECHINACEA TINCTURE - Apply directly to bite or sting. It has both antiseptic and numbing properties. Echinacea was the original snake-bite remedy before its fame at fighting colds. For snake bites it was used both internally and externally. Pack some in your travel kit for bed bug and mosquito bites remedies!
- OSHA ROOT TINCTURE - Another super tincture for any kind of bite or contact dermatitis.
- OIL OF OREGANO - Oil of Oregano, when used topically, can reduce inflammation and the itch. It was actually used as an anti-venom for serious bites long before modern medicine!
- BATH - If you are covered in bites try soaking in the tub with 2 cups of epsom salt or two cups of vinegar.
These natural insect bite remedies work on many types
of bites and also many rashes.
Give one or two a try!
of bites and also many rashes.
Give one or two a try!
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Home Remedies for Chigger Bites
1. Take a Hot ShowerAs soon as you realize that you are bitten by a chigger, take a bath with hot water. Use a mild soap. This will reduce the effect of the chigger bite.
2. Apply Ice
Put an ice pack on the place where you have been bitten for a quick relief from itching. You can also put a topical cream, like Neosprin.
3. Baking Soda
Make a paste of baking soda and water, and apply it to the affected area. This is an effective chigger bites treatment.
4. Use a Dryer
Hold a dryer 5cm away from the bite and blow it dry for about 2 minutes. This will relieve the itchiness caused due to the chigger bite.
5. Apply Nail Polish
Coat the affected area with a nail polish. It will prevent you from scratching the chigger bite too much. You can also apply Elmer’s Glue to the bite.
6. Ace Bandage
In order to reduce the excessive itchiness, wrap the area with an ace bandage. This will interrupt the air supply and reduce itching.
7. Apply Calamine Lotion
To get a quick relief from itching and inflammation, you can also apply some calamine lotion on the skin.
8. Listerine Mouthwash
After washing the affected area with soap and water, soak a cotton ball in some Listerine mouthwash and apply it to the chigger rash.
9. Castor Oil
Massage some castor oil on the affected skin to get relief from the itchiness and irritation.
10. Vicks VapoRub
This is a reliable cure for chigger bite. Mix some salt in Vicks VapoRub and apply it over the bitten area. This will give you relief from intense itching. The best time to put on this mixture is at night as when you will wake up the next morning, the swelling will be gone and the rashes will be reduced to a great extent.
11. Aspirin
Grind 1-2 aspirin tablets to a fine powder. Apply this powder over the chigger bite. It will certainly help you a lot.
12. Baby Oil
After cleaning the affected area, put some baby oil on it. This will give respite from the irritation and inflammation.
13. Lavender or Tea Tree Essential Oil
You can also apply essential oils, such as tea tree essential oil, lavender essential oil or thyme essential oil for immediate relief.
14. Olive Oil
Mix some olive oil with little tea tree oil and apply it. It is one of the best natural cures for a chigger bite.
15. Apply a combination of Aloe Vera & Peppermint Oil
Take the fresh aloe vera gel and mix it with a few drops of peppermint oil, olive oil and vinegar. Apply this mixture in order to trim down the prickliness and swelling.
16. Oatmeal
Scrub the affected part with cooked oatmeal. This is one of the most effective home remedies to neutralize the allergy caused by a chigger bite.
17. Cornstarch
Put some cornstarch in your bath water and soak in it for some time. This will effectively reduce the soreness. You can also soak in Epsom salt water.
18. Apply a Tea Bag
Soak a tea bag in water and apply it on the area bitten by chiggers. This will lessen the chigger bite symptoms.
19. Drink Herbal Tea
You can also drink chamomile tea or green tea in order to get a soothing effect.
Preventive Measures to Avoid Chigger Bites
- Avoid wearing short clothes if you are going into the woods or a thickly vegetated area.
- Apply mosquito repellent on your hands and feet before going out.
- You can also make your own repellent by mixing peppermint oil, jojoba oil, lemongrass oil, lavender oil and a little bit of witch hazel, and use it as a spray.
- Have a bath if you doubt that you have a chigger bite after you come back.
- Avoid scratching the affected area as it may spread the infection to other areas.
I've suffered from chigger bites only once in my life, and I'm not exaggerating when I tell you they were the worst bites I've ever experienced. Chigger bites itch incessantly, and itch far worse than mosquito, flea, and bed bug bites combined. Fortunately, you can avoid chigger bites by taking some simple precautions.
- Use an insect repellent containing DEET on both skin and clothing. Apply DEET liberally to your shoes, socks, and pant legs. Treat your waist area and shirt if you'll be in tall vegetation. Carefully apply the repellent by hand to your face, neck, and ears; you don't want DEET in your eyes or mouth! Adults should apply DEET products to young children. You may need to reapply DEET products after several hours.
- Apply permethrin to clothing, hiking boots, and your backpack. Permethrin products should never be used on skin. It remains effective on clothing through several washings. Permethrin is sold under the names Permanone and Duranon.Wear long pants with sneakers or hiking boots. Tuck your pant legs into your socks, and keep your shirt tucked into your waistband. In areas where chiggers are abundant, you might even want to wrap some duct tape around your ankles, over the top of your socks. You'll look ridiculous, but it works.
- Choose tightly woven fabrics for working or walking in chigger-prone areas. Because chiggers are so tiny, they can actually work their way through your clothing to get to your skin. If you know you'll be exposed to chiggers while outdoors, wear the tightest woven fabrics you can find. The smaller the space between threads, the harder it will be for chiggers to penetrate your clothes and bite you.
- Outfit yourself in bug repellent apparel. Want a sporty, outdoor look with built-in chigger protection? Ex-Officio sells a line of clothing that is pretreated with permethrin. The treatment lasts through up to 70 washings.
- Stay on the trail. Chiggers hang out in high vegetation, waiting for a passing host. When your leg brushes through the vegetation, the chigger transfers to your body. Walk on designated trails, and avoid blazing your own through meadows or other high vegetation areas. You'll avoid chiggers and leave a minimal impact on the wild places we love.
- Avoid chigger-infested places. In some places, chiggers may be too abundant to avoid, even with the best repellents and long pants. If an area looks like prime chigger habitat, avoid it. If you think you may have chiggers in your yard, do a sampling test to find out.
- If you see chiggers on your body, wash them off immediately. If you wander into a chigger patch by mistake, the best thing you can do to avoid chigger bites is get the chiggers off your body immediately. Take a hot, soapy bath or shower right away. Chiggers usually take a little time to settle on a place to feed, so just washing them off quickly can make a big difference.
- Wash any chigger-infested clothing in hot, soapy water. If you've picked up chiggers while hiking or working in the yard, strip down quickly and put all of your clothing in the wash. Launder the clothing in hot, soapy water. Don't wear that clothing again until it has been washed and dried.
- Eliminate chigger habitat in your yard. Chiggers live in moist, shady areas with thick vegetation. You can effectively eliminate almost all chiggers in your yard by simply minimizing such habitat from your landscape. Follow these control measures to keep chiggers from spoiling your time outdoors.
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