"Fairy Gardens"
I'm really excited about this post. I've been kind of keeping it a secret because I've been working on Fairy Gardens as presents and I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag so to speak. But its out so here goes..smile. As anyone who knows me realizes I love fairy's and all things magical! Unicorns, gnomes, sprites, there all absolutely interesting and cool. Hopefully I'll meet one someday..LOL But till then I'll have to settle for a homemade fairy garden. What are these enchanting little creations you ask? Basically there creating miniature fairy habitats. You can have plants growing like ferns, moss, inpatients, all of which fairy's adore. Or truthfully any plant you wish to use is fine..its up to you. The fairy garden can be small or large depending upon your space and restrictions. You can make a small one for your window sill or a large one set outside. Typically fairy gardens are decorated with things fairy's enjoy..little arbors for them to sit under, tables and benches for them to eat a light snack, little bird statues.. And of course no fairy garden would be complete without a few resin fairy's sitting about in the landscape. I've been collecting fairy statues, rocks. plants, moss..all kinds of things to use for my Fairy Garden. I've finally found the perfect containers, got all the proper soils..so let the fun begin! My first garden was a quaint little spot nestled in a large green tea cup planter... fairy's just belong in tea cups.. please don't ask me why?lol The garden turned out great, I was so proud! I sat the garden on my window sill..can't wait to see it flourish..Maybe a fairy or two will come to visit...wink
"Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.”
― W.B. Yeats, The Collected Poems
How to Create a Fairy Garden in a Container
What fairy could resist resting her wings on a cozy bench beneath a tree, with moss at her feet and dainty flowers to admire? Create a miniature container garden that the fairies are sure to call home.Create a magical miniature container garden that will enthrall your kids. In this make-believe landscape, a pint-sized bush is a large tree, twigs and leaves turn into furniture, and tiny woodland sprites are as close as your imagination. Arranging plants just-so can create the effect of a little forest, a mossy lawn and other scaled-down echoes of Mother Nature's grander schemes. Then start imagining the fairies that visit late at night when the world is asleep.
Materials Needed:
- container with drainage hole
- high-quality potting soil. Use half orchid soil and half violet soil. Or for succulents use cactus soil.
- plants
- "furniture" (fairies generally prefer natural materials, including bark, twigs and leaves)pebbles
- decor and fairy figurines
- water
Create the Garden Bed
Fill the container or planter with potting soil.Plan the Design
Using a stick, "sketch" out the design in the potting soil. Decide where the tree will go and the best places for the other plants, the bench and any other decorative items.Basically the whole design should be left to your own creativity. Fairy Gardens are fun to build..and challenge your imagination! Below is a great You Tube Video that discusses how to construct a fairy garden and what plants work well.
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