Today is a much prettier day than yesterday. Hooray! The sun is shining and the rain has finally stopped. Tomorrow we are all set to reach 70 degree temperatures. This spring type weather couldn't arrive soon least for me. Here it is almost April vegetable beds are far from ready and I'm not sure if they will be soon enough to get a cabbage patch going. Perhaps today I will venture out side and see if the ground is too moist to work? The whole never ending winter is really getting me down..along with other things.. I need to focus..Soon I will be able to start my seeds outdoors, and purchase some pretty flowers for my beds. Smile!
Lately I have been thinking alot about health and just how important it is to feel good both mentally and physically. I've come to realize that peace of mind and a healthy body are the most important things in my life. Without these basic things are life's energy is spent in an ongoing battle..where as our energy could be spent on other endeavors. One's that make us happy and bring joy to our lives! Never take that health for granted because something can happen to any of us so quickly..and change our lives forever. I have been blessed, I've never had a terminal illness or cancer. I have had my own health concerns that sometimes seem to me rather terrible. I want to feel good, I want to have the energy and light I used too. I was getting back to that.. Bamm...something offest that and I'm back to that dark place..frown
WHATEVER YOU ARE AGAINST YOU STRENGTHEN"Anything that you fight with or struggle against grows larger. You give power to lower energies by focusing upon them. You don't eliminate darkness by arguing with it. The only way to eliminate darkness is to turn on a light." Doreen Virtue Quotes
"Your inner glow comes from the light of God, and your light can never be extinguished or soiled. You are eternally bright and beautiful."~Doreen Virtue
"If you Harbor Bitterness.......Happiness Docks elsewhere!!!"
You must not give Bitterness power in your life. Release it and let the Happiness flow within you. Forgive those who have wronged you. Learn from those experiences and grow within. Happiness comes from within."~Doreen Virtue
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