Fresh Starts

Yesterday was a lovely day!! Perfect for beginning the arduous process of garden cleanup..So yesterday we all took the plunge and began a "bear" of a project!! It's our own fault we let the garden go the last couple years..for many reasons, health issues and it just got to much..But I think were finally ready for this "Fresh Start" and this year our garden is in for one heck of a transformation..We picked up about 5 bags of trash and raked 2 tarp loads full of yard waste.... We also tore down a rotted fence and arbor that were in a state of ruin. I cleaned around the existing perennials, and cleaned several of the flower beds.. We really did make a large dent in the job!! Today will be nice as this is Day 2..Project Cleanup!! Below are a couple pictures I snapped with my there not the best quality.. But still you get the idea. I wish I took some pictures at the start of the day..these were taken after a hard days work..I'll let you know how this all progresses..Till next time!


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