In our garden of days gone by we made use of everything we could. We were definitely on Team Recycle. We used old barn wood and made all kinds of interesting birdhouses, trellis's, and flower boxes.. We showcased our time and talent.. Creative Painting and Woodworking skills!!The garden had a very rustic type charm that brings to mind a "wildwood" type garden...

The garden began at the edge of a thriving woods, and the woods was definitely winning.. spreading further and further in the fielded areas of the land. It was as if we drew a line in the sand and said "Stop" were here to work with you not against you..So we built the garden at the woodlands egde sheltered by the loving arms of the large Elm Trees. Building your garden right up against a woods has its pros and cons!! You definitely have great shade...to plant shade loving flowers like impatiens, and hostas..its also rather cool to work in..since the suns rays are blocked.. But, you do have alot of work ahead of you digging out a garden in what was once a wooded glen. Picture this... High weeds, limbs and leaves from many moons lying about, garbage that has blown from adjoining farms..saplings blocking your every turn..The soil is very hard and full of roots.. What to do?? We dug that patch out ourselves with few of the modern conveniences most people would secure prior to planning such a project.. I believe we had a hoe, some sticks, and maybe a few rocks. I remember we planted bulbs that first year with a rock, we didn't have a trowel..LOL And the Morning glory's...we loved them and they loved us, they self sowed all over the place year after year...Here are some photos of the way is was back when....

This was our favorite hangout in the garden (Pictured Above) "The Gazebo" We built this ourselves!! We are thinking of doing another one this year real similar to the one shown..
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