Make Sure to Feed the Rabbits!!
“This is a fierce bad rabbit; look at his savage whiskers,
and his claws and his turned-up tail.”
― Beatrix Potter

Good day to all!! Today we have above freezing temperatures..most of the snow will surely melt away...a sigh of relief.. It's another one of those lazy winter days, and I'm using this time to look ahead to warmer seasons and all the wonderful things spring holds!! I have high hopes for this growing won't be another month till I can start to seriously consider putting in my cool weather crops. My old friends broccoli, cabbage, and lettuce. These are my favorites of the cool loving plants that grace our spring gardens. Last year I tried brussel no avail.. I planted them in march and it was July before there was a harvest..They were very large and wirey, and the little sprouts were extremely tough..Maybe I'll give them another shot this year.. I thought about trying peas and carrots this year. A friend told me that she grows a"Short and Stubby" variety of carrot that will grow well in poorer soil conditions. These lovelies grow fast and don't require the rich fluffy soil that long taper carrots require!! Hurray...need to try this.. I found a article that discusses these little beauty's and it suggest tilling the soil you do have..clay soil is even acceptable, and simply add a layer of compost on top. Popular variety suggestions are Thumbelina, Caroline, Little Finger, and Oxheart. I've always been reluctant to try carrots because I thought you needed the "perfect" soil to grow them "well". These new varieties tend to be short and stubby, or ball like in nature. Well that works for I'll go with it!!
Rabbits!!! There so cute and cuddly, I had several as pets in childhood...but...they do sometimes pose a problem in the garden. Last year I sewed my greenbean seeds..I anxiously awaited there emergence from the earth. There they were..and then they were gone.. It was a battlefield, and the seedlings were laid to waste.. I was definitely in a huff..accusing my cat of the antics!! He looked up at me like " I swear it wasn't me". I soon realized the culprit was most likely our little furry friend the rabbit!! I actually caught them one morning feasting on some crisp lettuce leaves, and another time hopping around in the greenbean patch.. I read in one of my garden books to try Cayenne Pepper. Simply sprinkle the Cayenne pepper on the plant leaves and then make a circle of pepper around each plant. I read the rabbits dislike the hot taste of Cayenne and will steer clear of plants protected by it. So I tried it..and boy was this venture a success. After treating the garden that season I never experienced another problem. Each morning I checked my greenbeans and the leaves were always pristine and intact. My neighbor did mention to me that Cayenne pepper could potentially burn my I turned to Garlic powder which the books also suggest to keep away rabbits. I made many trips last year to the local Dollar Store, you can get a bottle of Cayenne pepper or garlic powder for just a buck.. I stocked up!!
“Peter lost one of his shoes among the cabbages, and the other shoe amongst the potatoes.”
― Beatrix Potter
and his claws and his turned-up tail.”
― Beatrix Potter

“Peter lost one of his shoes among the cabbages, and the other shoe amongst the potatoes.”
― Beatrix Potter
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