I thought this project was so interesting. I was thinking of ways you could reuse and recyle all the old seed catalogs.. Cause Basically there just way to pretty to simply throw away. Many times I keep them for reference because there is always alot of good informtion about plants in there. They tell you descriptions, watering reguirements, and ways to care for each individual plant. Plus...I'm a fan of Photos..and I adore the pretty pictures..smile The first project is for making little garden trinkets..You can hang these outside or in your home.
Supplies: light bulbs (glass or wood item can also be substituted)
Flower and seed catalogs and magazines
Modge Podge or white glue
Floral wire (22 gauge)
Beads from old jewelry or craft projects, buttons
Scissors, wire cutters, small old artist's brushes
Shot glass or similar container to hold bulb as it drys
Krylon Clear sealer
Optional: Acrylic craft paint
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