I'm really on a "All Natural" Kick right now!! I don't want to be on a bunch of medicine...It so easy to fall into that trap..because literally there is a medicine out there for absolutely everything. Soon I will have to start taking my Lupron shots..I'm not real happy about it because they make you feel really angry..aka..crazy!! Nobody wants that but they basically are a necessity right now.. I recently went into Rainbow Blossom and got some Stress Relief Tea..it's called Stress Relief By Yogi..As I've said before I love tea..but I'm more of a black tea and milk type of girl..sometimes I do herbal teas but only as a medicine never just for enjoyment and leisure. I'll tell you this Stress Relief tea is absolutely AWESOME!!! I'm so excited to have actually found a tea I truly like, becasue I'm the type of person that if I really don't like something I'm not going to stick with it.. It has Kava in it, licorice, ginger, cinnamon and a few other things but it actually taste a little bit like a Chocolate cinnamon tea..not sure where the chocolate hint is coming from?? Its also a great flavor that can have milk added to it. It's kinda like Chai tea in a sense. You have to try it..Great!!
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