This is an example of the damage a rabbit can do to your garden.. |

Well there back.... My little cotton tailed friends the rabbits.. Today I went out to look over my vegetable beds and there they were..2 pepper plants not in their original positions. One was uprooted, dug totally up lying there on top the soil, now my first thought was the squirrels because they are notorious for digging up my plants, this year alone I've probably replanted 5 or 6 plants. But the pepper next to it was chewed off, the top laying there next to the scalped plant??? My next thought was "Rabbit". They are best known for topping plants and leaving little to no remnants.. I went to get the cayenne pepper, and at that came a rainstorm..gee. I knew the Cayenne would just wash off so I'm going to wait till later to apply it. When I first started this blog one of my early posts was about this subject rabbits, and my love hate relationship with them..lol. Now as I'm writing this the sun is out and the brief rain shower has ended. It is very chilly today, the high in the 40's..I'm working on a Lemon Cake for the full moon..it's been just a tad bit hard to get all the ingredients together. The last few days, I have felt very annoyed, irritated.. Please Lord take it away!! I posted the recipe for the cake, it's very Yummy and Moist!

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