MAY day delayed..
May 1 was once considered the start of summer, and the other season, winter, started on November 1. Many pre-Christian Celtic people split the seasons into two in this way, and Beltane marked a half way point in the year. It was celebrated with much optimism; the sun thawed out the people and the land, and flowers and animals sprang to life in the new-found warmth. The strength of the sun is said to finally overcome the darkness of the winter on May Day, and takes it’s place to bring life to the planet.
The history of May Day has it's roots in Beltane. Today May Day has many different meanings, and has found it’s place in Christianity, International Workers’ Day movements, Labour Day, and as a much needed bank holiday weekend. For some, May Day will be a time for relaxing, but for others’ it will be a time for celebrating the forces of life overcoming death, light overcoming darkness, and summer overcoming winter. We are definitely ready for overcoming Today is very cloudy and cold...brrrr. It actually feels like a late February day..??? Next week I hear it will be in the 80's yah!!! The gardens are really coming along. We have all been doing so much work. This year I really want to enjoy the garden..celebrate festivals, have bonfires and use the garden for what it was intended Merriment..Bless Be
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