The Birch Moon has officially arrived! This moon is always the easiest for me to remember.. I think because its gifts and meanings coincide with the time of year it is in my conscious reality...Huhh??? Well what I mean is the Birch is all about new beginnings, fresh starts, and leaving the old year behind you. Which is exactly what New Year's Day is all about. Everyone makes a list of New Year's resolutions and usually we try and keep them...well at least a few months For me I do the same...Last year I went to the gym regularly for about 5 months. Then summer hit and I was out in the yard so much...I thought there was little need for more exercise.. I was getting enough of it in my yard. However summer ended and I got a bit off track..I still try and walk when I can, but the rest has gone by the wayside. I always want to get healthier, be more fit, drink more water, eat better.. It's a hard task to change all the bad habits we've collected over the years...But I believe we are all capable of great change if we put our heart and soul into it. Last year my goal was to find a new job, my life was kind of turned upside down at this point last year...I thought this year would bring me so many possibilities. After putting in about 50 job applications, to really no avail...I became a bit discouraged to say the least. Also my restaurant I have worked at so many years reopened in I've kind of got back in that rutt. I actually was seriously depressed when I heard it was reopening...What???? I knew I'd get back to that same stagnant place. But for the time being it is a job, and provided me much needed money to buy Christmas and pay my bills. I've figured out I make about 12$ a hour....sooooo That means It would be stupid really to quit my job to work for 9$ a hour??? Wouldn't it?? I'm so confused??? Where do I find a better Job, a life path?? God help me please.......
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