An Old Stump...
The other day one of the trees in my yard just had to come down...I hate having to cut trees down..but this one was dead..struck by lightening in one of last years storms. My sisters boyfriend came and took it down, cutting it nicely into perfect size little stools..great for sitting on, craft projects..and the most obvious be easily carried to the side of the road for pickup...hahaha. That was his intent..I on the other hand had other ideas. I actually carried one of the stumps back to the garden and sat a flower pot on it..looks nice. I found on the Internet all kinds of ideas for ways to utilize and make pretty old tree stumps in your garden. Some of my favorites are the mosaic ones. It appears that you paint the stump a bright and lively color then you mosaic the top and use it as a stool, or a little make shift end table.. Very cool!!
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