Disgruntled Gardener
From the title you can imagine this week I've had some troubles in my garden. Squirrels are digging up plants everyday..I can deal with that.. But Rolly Pollies....aka Pill Bugs..you know those little gray hard shell bugs that look like they came from the Jurassic period?? Every kids favorite! I'm having a hard time dealing with them. Who knew they could be so destructive!!! The last couple days I've noticed my Marigolds going down hill. Now marigolds are hardy, easy to grow flowers, I've been gardening for years and never have experienced any issues with these easy growing flowers. Today I noticed some of my marigolds were almost dead, turning brown and stripped of all leaves..OMG.. Upon closer inspection I noticed pill bugs crawling all over them..obviously devouring the foliage. But why this year? My only thought was that pill bugs are drawn to manure, they love eating decayed things.. I spread garden soil this year in certain areas of my garden. Well I wish I hadn't for many reasons. First of all I think the manure in the garden soil drew the pill bugs and then they began feasting on my flowers.. For two my tomato plants that I planted in the garden soil are all dying!! The edge of the leaves turning brown, and the plant wilted. I can only suspect the plant was burnt by to much nitrogen...gee..will I have to start over. I've never had this happen,,,I've never used garden soil before..Help!!
I've checked the net and the message boards apparently pill bugs will attack your flowers..
I'm thinking of taking up the tomato plants and planting some new ones..I really felt like crying...frown. I'm also very concerned about the woodland garden..we used garden soil and planted all kinds of nice flowers in it.. I hope they are ok...
I've checked the net and the message boards apparently pill bugs will attack your flowers..
I'm thinking of taking up the tomato plants and planting some new ones..I really felt like crying...frown. I'm also very concerned about the woodland garden..we used garden soil and planted all kinds of nice flowers in it.. I hope they are ok...
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