Hard Work

Well we have all been working very hard on the garden..I took lots of pictures yesterday so everyone can see the progress. It's truly amazing the transformation thus far. From a weed invested shabby hole to a delightful little water garden spot under a willow tree..that only needed a little pruning...lol The kids have been doing their fair share..but as my grandpa always said.."Hard work develops character". We couldn't do it without them. In the pictures you can see we started on a newly constructed fence, began to build a little patio out of brick that came off a house, cleaned the entire old herb bed out, cut, weeded, raked, transplanted..and more. Yesterday we put in the water garden area..and made flower beds on the sides. We tilled some ground in order to fill the sides with dirt. We also got 2 bags of miracle grow garden soil in order to top off the beds. During break time...hahah we made our annual trip to Shireman's in Corydon and bought 4 flats of flowers for the water garden area. Peach and white Verbena, along with white and candy stripe impatiens. Take a look at the progress. Also the kids were very willing to strike a pose for the camera!!


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