Stop Comparing!
Quit comparing!
We all do it, but we all need to stop. Comparing ourselves/lives/experiences with others is a surefire way to make yourself miserable. Comparison will smash your productivity, ruin your motivation, and leave you in a sniveling heap while you worry about how many chickens the Joneses’ have, and if you should drive to town to get more. I only know this because I’ve been there. Focus on watering the grass on your side of the fence, and pretty soon you’ll no longer care about the grass on the other side.
I love this little snippet from The Prairie Homesteader's Blog. It's so true. I do this way to often and I know it causes me a great deal of stress, insecurity, depression and so forth... Stop the Madness! Please!! Sometimes I look at other people's lives and I'm like WOW, I wish I could be doing that, or accomplishing that or....whatever!!! Sometimes we all look at other people's lives and we think "How Perfect They Are"????? Usually that's not exactly true. But it's all relative to how we are looking at it in our own minds. I at times feel like I'm 10 years behind everyone else in the Life Department. I mean at my age everyone has already settled down, had kids, has a house, going to little league games with the kids on weekends. Then there's me..I'm like that 26 year old who hasn't quite figured out her life yet or settled down into a family... UGHHHH. I always feel like everyone is judging me? Maybe they are aren't and I just think that? But even if they are...I have to stop caring!!! I think sometimes I wait for opportunities and things to just fall in my lap and change my life for me.. Or wait for someone else to change my life for me...God knows I'm so totally guilty of that. I mean I see great unexpected, and amazing strokes of fate happen to other people. I Wonder why doesn't that ever happen to me? Why doesn't my great aunt who I never met before leave me 20, 000 dollars?? Not that I want a family member to way. But I know people who are like my great aunt who I never met before left me all this money, or I just won 10,000 at the casino, or I was driving down the road and saw a 2005 truck for sale for $500, oh it's worth so much more but the owner just wants to get rid of it..What???? I feel like if I want something to happen for me I have to make it happen, there are no freebies, no destiny changing my life in a positive way, or setting me on the path to glorious happiness. But I want it to,I believe in destiny, and fate, and I feel like it is always happening to all these other people... And I'm left behind..frown.
We all do it, but we all need to stop. Comparing ourselves/lives/experiences with others is a surefire way to make yourself miserable. Comparison will smash your productivity, ruin your motivation, and leave you in a sniveling heap while you worry about how many chickens the Joneses’ have, and if you should drive to town to get more. I only know this because I’ve been there. Focus on watering the grass on your side of the fence, and pretty soon you’ll no longer care about the grass on the other side.
I love this little snippet from The Prairie Homesteader's Blog. It's so true. I do this way to often and I know it causes me a great deal of stress, insecurity, depression and so forth... Stop the Madness! Please!! Sometimes I look at other people's lives and I'm like WOW, I wish I could be doing that, or accomplishing that or....whatever!!! Sometimes we all look at other people's lives and we think "How Perfect They Are"????? Usually that's not exactly true. But it's all relative to how we are looking at it in our own minds. I at times feel like I'm 10 years behind everyone else in the Life Department. I mean at my age everyone has already settled down, had kids, has a house, going to little league games with the kids on weekends. Then there's me..I'm like that 26 year old who hasn't quite figured out her life yet or settled down into a family... UGHHHH. I always feel like everyone is judging me? Maybe they are aren't and I just think that? But even if they are...I have to stop caring!!! I think sometimes I wait for opportunities and things to just fall in my lap and change my life for me.. Or wait for someone else to change my life for me...God knows I'm so totally guilty of that. I mean I see great unexpected, and amazing strokes of fate happen to other people. I Wonder why doesn't that ever happen to me? Why doesn't my great aunt who I never met before leave me 20, 000 dollars?? Not that I want a family member to way. But I know people who are like my great aunt who I never met before left me all this money, or I just won 10,000 at the casino, or I was driving down the road and saw a 2005 truck for sale for $500, oh it's worth so much more but the owner just wants to get rid of it..What???? I feel like if I want something to happen for me I have to make it happen, there are no freebies, no destiny changing my life in a positive way, or setting me on the path to glorious happiness. But I want it to,I believe in destiny, and fate, and I feel like it is always happening to all these other people... And I'm left behind..frown.
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