A Bit on the Alder...more later
The Celtic month of Alder runs from mid-March to mid-April. Significantly, this is a period that includes the Spring Equinox, the day on which the return of spring is celebrated and night and day are of equal length. Falling at the start of spring, this period symbolizes the reawakening of the Earth Mother’s fertility.At the time of the Spring Equinox, or Ostara, the Alder is flourishing on riverbanks, roots in the water, bridging that magical space between both heaven and earth. The Alder month, called Fearn by the Celts, and pronounced fairin, is a time for making spiritual decisions, magic relating to prophecy and divination, and getting in touch with your own intuitive processes and abilities. Alder flowers and twigs are known as charms to be used in Faerie magic. Whistles were once made out of Alder shoots to call upon Air spirits, so it's an ideal wood for making a pipe or flute if you're musically inclined.
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