Sorry, Black Roses, and Let Downs..

“Maybe there's more we all could have done, but we just have to let the guilt remind us to do better next time.”
Veronica Roth
I'm feeling very grouchy today!! I'm afraid today's post will turn from my normal upbeat and airy rantings on Gardening, Nature, and my day to day goings on.. and instead go in a different direction. Hence, the picture..This blog gives me something to focus on and I guess if I'm writing about being bummed that's not really helping...but I just need a little outlet..So please bare with me..What is it about some days that make you wish the day was over and onto the next one..hopefully the latter will be more enjoyable.. I'm tired of winter, I'm tired of snowstorms, and now possible tornadoes barring my every move. I'm sick of being stuck in the house..My usual mentality of trying to think of things to keep me occupied and OK with being home bound..are all but exhausted..Well maybe I don't mean that..but right now I'm just in a bad mood. I just want to come and go as I please and it be sunny and nice out..As I write this I realize that I sound a bit like a whining child..frown..Perhaps it's just one of those days. I always feel like everyone is mad at me or I'm doing the wrong thing or I'm letting someone down.. It really stays with me longer than it should..I worry..then I stress, I may cry, get upset, get angry then I get a headache..then I feel sick..It's a vicious mental cycle..that is just exhausting emotionally and physically. When will the madness stop and where is that honeysuckle oil..LOL Maybe I'm just tired and cranky waking up at 5:30 isn't exactly my norm..I really don't want to take things so hard..I just want to be "Free and Easy Down the Road I Go". Anyone who knows me realizes I'm a little off sometimes..On a lighter side The mail just came and my Richters Seeds have arrived..normally I'd be all excited and writing about how excited I am..Smile.. Maybe I will revisit that topic later on today when the madness has passed..If I were a flower today I'd be a Black Rose...dark, agnst, and a tad thorny..My  song...dadadadduhhhh.....I'm not sure why I get this way.. I need to stop..and write about something more uplifting and more therapuetic...PS: I really like the "Hold on a Little Longer Song" I wish I had it, helps alot..


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