A week or so ago I posted about some DIY bird feeder projects. Today I worked on making these fun and easy bird feeders. I have been saving things to use as a base. The article said to save old cardboard toilet paper holders. I also thought maybe empty icing containers would work well too!! I bought some bird seed yesterday..you can get birdseed fairly reasonable at the dollar store. I poured the seed into a pie pan, and smeared peanut butter all over the toilet paper holder and icing container. You then roll the base in the birdseed. After that you simply slip a piece of ribbon threw the openings and tie..to make a hanger. With the icing container you have to cut a hole in the bottom to get the ribbon threw. My cat Dudley..who always has to be part of the action supervised..LOL.. As soon as I hung these up a hungry squirrel came to investigate.. Check it out!!
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