"Shop Girl"
You will notice that at times these posts turn into a diary type narrative.. That is just me using this blog as a release and a focus for my joys as well as frustrations. I have so many ideas for this site..everyday I think of different topics that might be interesting to write about. I love writing!! I have a stack of filled journals under my bed, and bookshelves packed with them.. This new way of journaling via the net is very different..I will say..but I've come to really enjoy the time I spend on here each day.. In fact I rather look forward to it..Usually I write in the morning, I get a cup of tea, and set here in my pajamas and just let it flow.. My Topic sentence for this post...How do you go about opening your own "Cottage Herb Shop". I would love to do just that.. but I'm not sure I'm Brave enough. All I think about is the cost $$, and..basically the cost..LOL and the possibility of failure. I'm unsure as to whether a herb shop would do well in my community?? But I guess you never know till you try..I can see myself as a "Shopkeeper", standing behind the counter, mixing little preparations, and spewing info to anyone who'd listen..Discussing the latest tea, book, or craft that graces the shop shelves!! How do you advertise? Is it better to rent or buy? Where to you get your products from to sell? What are the rules and regulations?? It makes me nervous just thinking about it. I've really struggled of late with this "Forced" career change.. As I told my friend sometimes I don't think I'm meant to be
respectable..LOL and use my education in the traditional sense.. I applied for a bank teller position about a month ago.. The pay a whopping $9.50 a hour. I went to the interview nervous as all get out...to be honest I was a little disenchanted with the whole situation and I found myself secretly hoping I didn't get the job because after hearing more about what you actually do at the bank..I knew I wouldn't like it..I guess I thought working at a bank would be a step up from waiting tables..and perhaps I'd be more ..well just more. Yesterday I waited on a party and saw the lady who interviewed me at the bank.. She came up to me and said she'd like to "Coach" me on how to project my intelligence.. She said she knew I was a smart girl, and she'd like to help me project that better to future employers.. I have to admit at first I was a little offended. But then I thought maybe I should just take it as constructional criticism.. Then I got to thinking..what is she saying I come off like a uneducated redneck..huhh..Maybe I do..But I think what she was really pointing out to me is the truth..The truth is I'm a educated person with 3 degrees..but I'm also a very down to earth, non pant suit wearing girl..more comfortable in her jeans and digging in the dirt.. Back to I'm not meant to be respectable..Hmm..maybe I just don't fit into the "professional" world..I realize there is a certain way in which professionals speak to each other, and I thought I could speak their dialect..perhaps not. I like to speak plainly, I like to be real and I don't feel the need to dazzle people with my intellect. The whole unemployment experience has made me realize that I wasn't all that unhappy as a waitress and that I love the high energy,fast paced style of the job.I really do miss it. What most people don't realize is at the end of the day we aren't counting are quarters and dollars bills..only to leave with 25 bucks or so.. Were counting our tens and twenties and often times leaving with 100$ bucks for only 5 hours of work,that's a average of 20$ a hour..I've often thought about starting a waitressing blog and call it "Smart Chic Waits Awhile" to feature the endless funny stories that come from waistressing and so people would realize were not there because were to stupid to work a "real" job..were there because we prefer to work a job where we can make more than the typical 8-10$ hour .. nothing wrong with that!! But...I really would like to do something different..as of now I've put in applications at various places to know avail..frown. I'm still waiting on a call from the Library.. might be something there. Right now I'm just trying to be open to new opportunities that come my way. Some say to pray about it and forget it..Maybe I should do just that..
nope, you'd have coats, shoes, and purses....lol
ReplyDeleteok...thats true too!!..smile